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Key summary for 20 abstracts relating to: Coping with Infertility.

Started by mensfe_admin, 2009-07-21 09:17

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Why do Infertile Males use Psychological Couple Counselling ?

Patient Education and Counselling, volume 42, issue 3, March 2001, pages 239-245.
Martin Pook, Bernd Rohrle, Brunna Tuschen-Caffier and Walter Krause.


Psycholical Well-being and Coping patterns in Infertile Men.

Fertility and Sterility, volume 74, issue 4, October 2000, pages 702-706.
Rajvir Dhillon, Ceinwen E. Cummings and David C. Cumming.


Functional well-being is positivley correlated with spiritual well-being in women who have spontaneous premature ovarian failure.

Fertility and Sterility, Volume 87, Issue 3, March 2007, Pages 584-590
June L. Ventura, O. Ray Fitzgerald, Deloris E. Sharon, N. Covington, Vien H M. Nelson


Psychological Impact of Fertility.

Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology, In Press, Corrected Proof. Available online 22 January 2007.
Tara M. Cousineau and Alice Domar.


Emotional Expressive Coping Reduces Pregnancy Rates in Patients Undergoing In-vitro Fertilisation.

Fertility and Sterility, volume 85, Issue 6, June 2006, pages 1684-1696
Tara M. Cousineau, Traci C. Green, Evelyn A. Corsini, Thea Barnard, Angel R. Seibring and Alice Domar.


The Relationship between Coping and Deppression in Men and Women Refererred for In-vitro Fertilisation.

Fertility and Sterility, volume 85, issue 3, March 2006, pages 802-804.
Brennan D. Peterson, Christopher R. Newton, Karen H. Rosen and Gary E. Skaggs.


Coping with the Stress of Infertility Treatment in Females and Males Entering In-vitro Fertilisation Treatment.

Gender Medicine, volume3, Suppliment 1, 2006, pages S70-S71.
Maryan Bagheri.


Seeking Conception: Experiences of Urban Indian Women with In-vitro Fertilisation.

Patient Education and Counselling, volume 59, Issue 3 December 2005, pages 226-233.
Anjali Widge.


Does Infertility Cause Marital Beefit ?: An Epidemiological Study of 2250 Women and Men in Fertility Treatment.

Patient Education and Counselling, volume 59, issue 3, December 2005, pages 244-251.
Lone Scemidt, Bjorn Holstein, Ulla Christensen and Jacky Bovin.


Depression in Women

Metabolism, volume 54, issue 5, supplement 1, May2005, pages 49-52.
Rudolf E. Noble.


Dispositional Optimism, Trait Anxiety, and Coping: Unique or Shared Effects on Biological Resonse to fertility treatment.

Health Psychology, volume 24, issue 2, March 2005, pages 171-178.
Deborah Lancastle and Jacky Bovin.


Dyadic Coping Processes of Men and Women in Infertility Couples and Their Relationship to Infertility Stress, Marital adjustment, and Depression.

Fertility and Sterility, volume 82, supplement 2, September 2004, pages S104-S104.
B.D. Peterson, C.R. Newton, K.H. Rosen and R.S. Schulman.


Exit Counselling

International Congress Series, volume 1266, April 2004, pages 264-269
Linda Hammer Burns.


Longitudinal Analyses of the Relationship between Unsupportive Social Interactions and Psychological Adjustment among Women with Fertility Problems.

Social Science & Medicine, volume 56, issue 10, May 2003, pages 2165-2180.
Erica J. Mindes, Kathleen M. Ingram, Wendy Kliewer and Cathy A. James.


Distress of Infertile males after Fertility Workup: A Longitudal Study.

Journal of Psychosomatic Research, volume 53, issue 6, December 2002. pages 1147-1152.
Martin Pook, Walter Krause and Silke Drescher.


Adjustment to a Dyadic Stressor: A Longitudinal Study of Coping and Depressive Symtoms in Infertile Couples Over an insemination Attempt.

Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, volume 70, issue 2, April 2002, pages 433-438.
James P. Berghuis and Annette L. Shanton.


Grief, Deppression, and Coping in Women Undergoing Infertility Treatment.

Obstetrics & Gynecology, volume 93, issue 2, febuary 1999, pages 245-251.
Michelle P Lukse and Nicholas A Vacc.


Coping Style and Deppression Level Influence Outcome In-vitro Fertilisation.

Fertility and Sterility, volume 69, issue 6, June 1998, pages 1026-1033.
Koen Demyttenaere, L Bonte, M Ghedldof, M Vervaeke, C Meuleman, D Vanderschuerem and T D'Hooghe.


Psychological Consequences of Having Triplets: A 4-year follow up Study.

Fertility and Sterility, volume 67, issue 6, June 1997, pages 1162-1165.
Micheline Garel, Catherine Salbir and Beatrice Blondel.


Infertility in the Gambia: Traditional and Modern Health Care.

Patient Education and Counselling, volume 31, Issue 1, 1 May 1997, pages 29-37.
Jonanne Sundby.
