You don't have to work this out on your own! Start working out here on the mensfe web site where there are loads of us.. working out together..

Welcome to the Men's Fertility Web Site - MENSFE MATTERS

About Us

Our information resources are FREE for everyone

Our information pages will explain the medical terms and emotional issues you may encounter
medical jargon explained
Emotive issues

ResearchCurrent Research On Male Infertility


Mensfe is a member of ICSI

ICSI 2007 Conference: Mensfe presented a poster introducing itself to the International Community Click Here to see the Poster

Male Infertility Support

Seeking help for male infertility?

Help increase sperm count, Low testosterone, Sperm motility?
Trying to understand treatment options?
Help gender communication difficulties?

You are not alone 381,513 accessed in January 2025

Information help and support for male infertility and fertility issues by you for you.


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Human Kindness, Trust, Acceptance of Difference, Excitement. 

Male Fertility
Semen Analysis
Vasectomy Reversal
Erection Problems
Egg Donation
Sperm Donation
Counselling Support

To find out about all the above please click on for link

sos infertilitā ONLUS gruppo di aiuto alle coppie alle prese con l'infertiliā

IAAC Infertility Awareness Association of Canada

Landsforeningen For Ufrivilligt Barnløse

Mensfe - the mens fertility forum

Disclaimer: This site should not substitute personal professional, legal or medical advice. The accuracy and personal applicability of this information is not guaranteed. By using it you agree to the terms of service, including jurisdiction and limitation of liability provisions.

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